Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 3, 2023


We drove to Salt Lake and visited with Dan and Dianne. Michael had a doctor's appointment in the morning there so we drove up the night before. We went to dinner with Dan and Dianne.

August 4, 2023


After Michael's app. Dianne took us to the airport. We flew into Seattle and stayed overnight at the Marriott by the airport.

August 5, 2023 


We caught a shuttle to the pier and got on our boat. We were there early so we looked around and ate lunch. We left the dock at 4pm. We were at sea the rest of the day and all tomorrow. 

August 6, 2023 

We were at sea all day today. We ordered room service for breakfast. We walked around and met up with Greg and Annette Morrill and the Dollars (Mike and Gaydeen) We sat in the breakfast area with ocean views and played cards. Later the Horrick's joined us and we played "Skyjo" a pretty fun card game. We all ate dinner at the Symphony restaurant. We went to the comedy show in the Princess theater at 7:30. After we hung out in our cabin, got room service snacks and watched a movie.


August 7, 2023

We ate breakfast at the buffet. We docked in Juneau Alaska around noon. We spent the day in the city and ate lunch at "Tracy's crab shack." It was really good. We went to dinner at the same place since the food was pretty good. They change the menu every night which is good since we have reservations for the entire week but we can choose to go to another restaurant if we want. We went to another show in the Princess theater called "Secret of silk." The guy that produced "Wicked" produced this. It was pretty entertaining.

August 8, 2023

We were at sea all night heading to Skagway. We arrived and docked around 5:45 am. It was foggy and drizzled. We went into town and looked around a few shops. We went to "Alaskan Fry bread" and got a "Doughboy." It depends on what part of the country you are from, some call them "elephant ears." Pretty much it's fried dough with sugar and cinnamon on it. We saw some salmon swimming upstream on their last leg. Wait they don't have legs! Poor little things. We headed back to the ship and decided to do some laundry and get that out of the way. We went to dinner at Symphony again then headed to the show. "A tribute to Whitney Houston performed by recording artist "Cheaza." It was really good. We are heading out to sea again at about 8:30 pm. Next stop "Glacier Bay."

If you look on the far right at the very end of the video you can see a piece breaking off. You could hear it breaking before you saw it but the video didn't get that!

August 9, 2023
Saw Glacier Bay it was beautiful! We are relaxing most of the day on the boat looking at the beautiful landscapes and seascapes. We left Glacier Bay at 3pm heading next to Ketchikan Alaska. Ate dinner at  Symphony then we went to the Princess Theater and saw a Tribute to Motown. After the show we played a card game (all 12 of us) until 10 pm. 

August 10, 2023
We docked into Ketchikan at around 7am. We ordered room service for breakfast then got off the boat to Ketchikan. We had to take the taxi lifeboats to shore because of weather that had washed out part of the dock. We came back ate lunch and then did some laundry since we will be spending 5 days in the Seattle area visiting with Chris and Andrew. We ate dinner at the Symphony restaurant again with our group. Later in our cabin we watched "Murder on the Orient Express." 

August 11, 2023
Slept in since we are at sea all day. We ate breakfast at the "Horizon Café." We get in tonight at 7pm to Victoria British Columbia. We ate pizza at "Alfredo's" it was super good pizza. The sun came out and it's beautiful! We sat on the pool deck and watched a movie but mostly relaxed. We had already seen the movie "Guardians of the galaxy Vol.3" We went to dinner at Symphony's with the group. We arrived in Victoria about 8:45 pm We've been here before and since we will only be docked for 3 hours plus going through customs we decided to stay on the boat. Watched another movie. Heading to Seattle tonight and will arrive in port around 7am. We'll be in Seattle for 5 days to visit with Christ and Andy.

We saw hump back whales right under our balcony. It was very cool but this is the only picture I could actually get of them!